Contact Mrs.Zelmer to sign up for Work Experience
text: 587-679-5033
Contact Mrs.Zelmer to sign up for Work Experience
text: 587-679-5033
Want to sign up for Work Experience? Here is what you need:
Calendars & Evaluations
*every month, you need to record your hours on this calendar and have a supervisor evaluate you using this evaluation sheet*
Students who register in Work Experience are interested in gaining high school credits while learning valuable, practical job skills. One of the goals of this program, aside from a student learning how to cooperate in a team/work site environment, is to obtain a valuable job reference. They work at their job site and learn the kinds of skills and abilities that employers are looking for in an employee. This is done by being punctual, reliable, motivated, enthusiastic and enterprising. A good employee can be hard to find - a work experience student who begins in a learning environment can turn their placement into a valuable learning experience.
For every 25 hours of work, a student earns one high school credit. A maximum of 15 credits can be earned and used towards receiving a high school diploma.
A pre-requisite module called Workplace Safety Systems (HCS 3000) is required by all students entering the Work Experience Program. The module focuses on Job Preparation. This module is worth ONE credit and must be completed before any work experience hours can be counted.
The student can begin work experience when: