Student Parking

Students require a parking permit to park in the LCHS lots during school days.

Students need to log in to their Wolf Creek Student account to complete the Parking Pass Application: 

Parking Lot Maps (East & West)

2024 - 2025 LCHS Parking Application  [Application Forms are Closed for the year. Contant an Administrator if you have any questions.]

All applications made up to and including September 6th (3:30 pm) will be given equal priority in assigning a parking location. Applications submitted after FRIDAY, September 6th (3:30 pm) will be considered after the original applications are reviewed. 

Students who have six or more courses in the school year can apply for a parking location in any parking lot. Students who have less than six courses will be provided a general parking pass that will not reserve an actual location but provide first come access to the gravel parking lot and/or a section of the west parking lot. 

Approved applicants will be contacted by email Monday September 9 or Tuesday September 10 with instructions on how to pay and where to pick up their parking permint.

Parking permits will be required from Thursday September 12th, 2024 until Friday June 20, 2025.